Fund Administrator and Fund Auditor Business Profiles and Insights
When you are looking for a new Fund Administrator or Auditor or simply to monitor them, use our Service Provider Profiles and Insights to guide your process.
They are an ideal supplement to support the pre-and post-selection due diligence that RIAs are required to conduct under the Adviser’s Act of 1940 on service providers they hire to support their clients. In fact, our reports will help you comply with the due diligence and monitoring requirements in the proposed SEC Outsource Service Provider Rule.
Our industry-leading research takes a deep dive into the business of your service providers and includes business growth, business fit, and other key service provider insights.
Buy one report for $2,000 or save 25% by buying a bundle of 10 reports for $15,000!
Service Provider Insight Report
Service Provider Insight Bundle
Convergence's Data Independence and Accuracy
We are the only firm that does not rely on data sourced from insiders. Data sourced from insiders is often subjective and cannot be fully verified and validated by the data provider.
We spent several years testing, evaluating, normalizing and curating our data sources, including regulatory filings, and are proud to provide a 95% accuracy standard to the data we use to power our products and services, including attributing funds and assets to service providers and asset managers.
Breadth and Depth
Our combined fund database is the largest and most comprehensive in the market. We track 287,000+ active US and non-US Hedge, Private Equity, Venture Capital, Real Estate, Securitized Asset and Other funds.
Request a Sample
See how out data and research will optimize your business model. Contact George Gainer to set up a demo data today!